
Our innovative retina-based AI diagnostic technology helps you take action before symptoms appear.

See your health through your eyes

Human eye is the only organ where blood vessels are directly visible without invasive procedures. The retina, a rear interior wall of the eye shows arteries, veins, and the optic nerve head that help doctors diagnose health conditions.

Retina fundus photographs

Taking Retina photographs is a fast, affordable, and non-invasive way to detect a range of health conditions from eye disorders to cardiovascular diseases but most interpretations are limited to ophthalmologists and optometrists.

AI algorithm x Retina

We are maximizing the value of a retinal scan with our AI diagnostic solutions as an entry point to preventive healthcare.


The first comprehensive AI diagnostic solution

Reti-Intelligence is the first comprehensive AI diagnostic solution to predict cardiovascular, kidney, eye diseases, and biological age through retinal images as a biomarker. Mediwhale is turning simple and effective AI diagnostic solutions into reality, empowering everyone to benefit from preventive healthcare.

WHY Reti-Intelligence

Scientific Evidence

Our algorithms are extensively trained with high-quality data and validated rigorously by leading medical experts

Clinically Validated

Reti-Eye shows a minimum of 96% accuracy and Reti-CVD predicts your CVD risk as accurately as a cardiac CT


We capture retinal photographs at the point of care using a fundus camera without any blood testing or a CT scan

Fully Automated

We screen your retina to detect health risks and automatically generate results within a minute of uploading the images

Easy to use

All we need is an internet connection and a trained operator and we support easy integration with top fundus cameras


We let you know of your disease risk early in a primary care setting without having to refer you to a specialist



Our deep learning algorithms enable us to look through whole-body health using retinal images and detect disease risks early before symptoms appear.


Assess your cardiovascular disease risk in a non-invasive manner without getting a blood draw or a CT scan


Identify patients at high risk for chronic kidney disease (CKD) more accurately than current standards


Screen cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy automatically 


Find your biological age and predict your mortality risk based on your retina image to pursue a healthy lifestyle